Integrated FMS system of real-time vehicle location/vehicle
& Driver status based on 4G/5G, ADAS, GPS, DMS
Fleet Management System
Efficiently manage
the vehicle operation
the vehicle operation
vehicle location with GPS
temperature of frozen and refrigerated trucks
Manage the vehicle status
driver's condition, fatigue, and forward gaze
air condition analysis : concentration of ultrafine dust, mold, virus, Co2
Gas pressure
Road surface condition

CAN, OBOⅡ, OTG, Payment Machine, Thermometer, Air conditioner, Dashcam, etc.
Collect data througha variety of devices.

CatM1, Cat1, Cat4
Connectivity via LTE
store videos and images as data along with GPS location in case of emergency.
IOT + Big Data
Based on the data accumulated in the cloud, Identifies the driver's habits and helps to improve.

Flexible and efficient solutions
for different vehicle types